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Adopt-A-Grave Donation

King Hill Restoration and Preservation Association is recognized by the IRS and the State of Missouri as a 501(3)c non-profit association, and your donation is tax-deductible.

The Adopt-A-Grave program allows you to share in repairing and preserving a specific headstone or gravesite. Learn more about this special program and see our latest King Hill Cemetery Restoration and Preservation project to adopt at

To make a donation, please complete and submit the form below so that we may record your donation correctly. After submitting the form, please complete your donation online by clicking on the Donate Button or follow the instruction to pay by check or cash.

Thank you for your assistance in honoring those buried at the King Hill Cemetery.

Donor Information

Donor Information
May We Publish Your Name On Our Donation Recognition Page?
May We Add Your Email To Receive Our Email Newsletter?

Online Donation




If you prefer to make a donation by check, please make you check payable to King Hill CRPA and mail to the address below.

Cash Donations

Please contact us by phone, email or mail and we will make arrangements to meet you in St. Joseph and provide you a receipt for your cash donations.

King Hill Cemetery Restoration & Preservation Association
16605 NW 126th Street
Platte City, MO 64079-7221

mobile: 573-268-6209


Digital Information Protection

Credit Card Payments

All credit card payments are processed through PayPal secured servers. Your credit card information is never seen, collected, or stored by the King Hill Cemetery Restoration & Preservation Association.

Website Forms

Information collected via forms on the website is collected and stored on the personal computer(s) of the organization's administrative officer(s). This information is used solely for record-keeping and contact from the organization. It is not sold or provided to third-party users.